Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Father/Daughter Breakfast

On Friday, Jason joined Mary Grace at school for a special Father/Daughter Breakfast to celebrate Valentine's Day. I can't even tell you excited Mary Grace has been about this event... she has been talking about it all month. She could not wait to have her own Valentine's "date" with her daddy. The cafeteria was filled with lots of festive decorations and balloons. They even had a little backdrop for all of the daddies and daughters to have their picture made together. Mary Grace and Jason had such a great time! They enjoyed a good breakfast, had fun taking pictures, and were able to spend a little time with some of Mary Grace's friends and their dads. What a great way to celebrate Valentine's Day! Mary Grace is already looking forward to attending this event next year!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Roller Skating... Take Two!!

On Saturday we made our second trip to the Sumner Skate Zone to roller skate. This time we were joined by our friends, the Smiths... Chris, Cecili, Carleigh and Tucker. This girls could not wait to get their skates laced up and get out on the floor. They had so much fun on our first trip, but since they were new skaters, they spent the whole time trying to get it all figured out. This time, after a few laps holding hands with Dad, Mary Grace was ready to skate on her own. We did stay close to her, just to break her fall when needed. But, she did GREAT! She had so much fun skating with her friend Carleigh. Carolyne had a great time too! She and Tucker took it slow around the rink... she tooks turns holding hands with Mom and Dad. Her favorite part, of course, was when all of the kids gathered in the center of the rink for the Hokey Pokey. It was a great day and we are already looking forward to our next skating adventure.

Mary Grace is Growing Up... and Losing Teeth!

Well, this past week the inevitable happened... Mary Grace lost her first tooth. The excitement of the first tooth was shortly followed by the loss of her second tooth. What happened to our baby? I will admit, I have not looked forward to this milestone. It seems like she lost all of her baby things in her first few years... bottles, crib, pacifiers, diapers. I was hanging on to her precious baby smile with everything I had. Unfortunately, this milestone, like all the others, was completely out of my control. Her teeth first started wiggling back before Christmas. She was so excited to have wiggly teeth and could not wait for them to fall out. She did not have to wait too long. This past Monday, her first tooth decided to make its exit. It did need a little help and I decided that I would take on the challenge. We worked on it for only a minute or so and after a quick 1-2-3 pull, it was out! She was beside herself with excitement. She rushed to the bathroom with Jason, and Carolyne right on her heels, to rinse her mouth and check out her new toothless grin. I stayed behind to shed a few tears and wrap my mind around the fact that my baby is now a big girl. Just as I began to expect that sweet smile with only one tooth missing, her second tooth joined the first. While eating dinner on Thursday night, her second tooth came out into her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It has been a little tough to get used to her new smile... it is always hard to see those baby years melt away. But, I love it! She looks so cute! So, she had two visits from the tooth fairy this week. What a lucky girl! She can't wait to lose another tooth. To my surprise, one of her top teeth is already loose. So, she may get her wish sooner than we think.