Sunday, May 10, 2009


Today is a day to celebrate... it is Mother's Day! I would like to think I have always loved and appreciated my mother, especially on this special day. But, it is only in the recent years, that I have truly understood what this day really means. Six and a half years ago, God blessed me with the role of being a mother. I had no idea what to expect. This has been the craziest journey of my life... but also the most precious, fulfilling, and rewarding. My sweet babies have changed the way I view the world. Before they arrived, I did not think much past any given day. It was easy to be selfish and immature and not worry too much about the future. But, now I awaken each day to a new found purpose. With God's help (and Jason's, of course), I am raising two of the sweetest and smartest little girls in the world. I find so much joy in the little tasks that can seem mundane... packing lunches, ironing school clothes, picking up toys. Because with these tasks come the most precious and rewarding times of the day... a good morning kiss, bear hugs at school drop-off, and sweet bedtime stories. I am amazed every day at how much my girls are growing and changing. I know, in the blink of an eye, they will be married with babies of their own. But, I will always be their mother... what an amazing life long gift! I am so blessed today to be a mother! I look forward to many more Mother's Days with my wonderful daughters. Thank you, Mary Grace and Carolyne, for making me the happiest mother in the world!