Wednesday, February 2, 2011

WOW... How Time Flies!

Last night, I spent a little time catching up on my blog reading. I love to check in on my friends and see how they are doing and what their families are up to these days. And, it dawned on me, I have not written a blog post or posted a picture in months... make that 1 year and 3 months, to be exact. I really enjoy blogging about our family, but I am afraid I have just let the time creep away. And, I must say, Facebook is somewhat to blame. No, I do not spend massive amounts of time on Facebook, so much so that I do not have time to blog. More so, that it just seems unnecessary to blog AND post on Facebook... almost redundant. But, I have decided to make a commitment to try to blog at least once a month. And, here's why... Facebook is really not that personal. We may pretend that it is, but I think we are all guarded about what we put on Facebook because we know that the masses will be reading it. There are some things that are just better shared between family and close friends. So, hopefully I will be able to share our more personal story through our blog and leave Facebook for sharing pictures, random thoughts, and general updates. Since I am so far behind, there is no need in trying to backtrack and catch up the last year. So, I will just update our blog post as we go along each month. Thanks for joining us on our family journey!