Saturday, November 7, 2009

Seven and Skating!

Mary Grace counted down the days till her birthday for months! She planned and prepared and could not wait for her big day to arrive. About a month before her birthday, she decided she wanted to have her party at the skating rink. I have to say, this made me smile, bringing back memories of my own 7th birthday party at the skating rink. So, we started going on Saturdays to Wee Skate at the Sumner Skate Zone to let her practice. She wanted to skate on roller blades, instead of the traditional 4 wheel roller skates. Surprisingly, she picked it up right away. By the end of the first Saturday, she was skating on her own. We continued to practice for the next three weeks... a couple of Saturdays at the skating rink and a few afternoons on the park trail. She quickly became a huge fan of roller blading. Her birthday party date arrived and we headed to the skating rink. Most of the girls from her class and a few other friends joined us for the big day. The girls skated to fun songs by Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, and Taylor Swift. Then they enjoyed pizza and cake before heading back on the rink for the Hokey Pokey. Mary Grace had so much fun!!

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